This blog is a compilation of my random, often paranoid, cynical and even delusional thinking. This is a little bit of insight into my brain. It is frightening even to me, and I live here.... Or it could be about tomatoes....
Thursday, December 01, 2011
What a Week
Today was also my first day of work in 6 weeks. After about 4 hours I hit a wall - exhausted to such a point that I could barely keep my eyes open. I trundled home on the way calling the next door neighbor asking him to get his six huge tree branches out of my back yard. Thankfully by the time I got home they were gone and during the surveying of the back yard a freaky gust picked up the gazebo canopy and lifted it 6' off the ground. I lunged across the yard grabbing one of the poles and pulling it back down to earth. After surveying the many rips I decided the best thing was to take the canopy off for now. After all this excitement it was time for a nap as we had a special event tonight.
But of course, home maintenance never ends. The solar company called, our solar panels were not reporting production. I checked the panel and it says :ground fault, check fuse". Well, how could I resist fixing that?! They told me they'd send someone out but I just had to tear the unit apart and troubleshoot it. I found the fuse and tested it with my ohm meter and my fuse tester. Both reported it blown and I told the solar company to just mail me one. They said they'd send someone out. Sure, send a man to do a woman's job that is already done....
I bought the National Geographic speaker series probably six months ago and tonight was opening night. I had to be awake so the nap was good. Tonight was Ocean Soul - opening night. It was breathtaking, eye opening, inspiring and touching. I felt alive. I felt fortunate.
What a day....
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Where Are You Shopping This Year?
With the US economy stalled at the bottom of a big (OK, humongous) dip, wouldn't it be powerful if the majority of Americans shopped for locally made products? Think of the economic boost that would provide to their community and their country. Below are some ideas.
An American product only website -
New Balance - Many of their running shoes are made in America, they also have lots of other products.
Cool Building blocks for kids
Dog and Cat products
Made in California Products
Online Store - Every item made in New England
If you just put a little effort into it, it's a piece of cake to buy your gifts, American Made.
Donate your time and volunteer - here is the Los Angeles website for all opportunities
Want to give to the needy - donate a couple chickens with Heifer International
Top 25 rated children's charities
Putting homeless to work in Hollywood -- donate time, money or clothes!
People helping people - in Los Angeles
Yes, charities are always iffy as you never really know how much money is given to their actual programs versus to their administrative costs. Well, wait - you can know - check out the Charity Navigator - this rates all charities - I find any charity with 3 stars and above is great. It's hard to find a charity with over a 70% program rate but they are out there. 3 stars is usually in the 60's.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day Before Surgery
Dena and my Mom made Jello and made me "eat" every 2 hours or so. I actually felt pretty good going in to the federal building but as my wait time extended past an hour my energy began to wane. Finally, I was called - I was asked five questions, here's a sampling:
- How many US Senators are there?
- What ocean borders the East coast of the United States?
- Name one state bordering Canada.
- What year was the US Constitution written in? (1787....that's a trick question)
I cannot remember the 5th question but I got all 5 correct (you would hope so!) and the interview moved on. At the end I received a check box on my application that I was recommended for citizenship. Now, we wait, again - approximately 30 to 60 days for the final verdict and hopefully the swearing in date.
Now, back to the enema. I hate to even comment on this but I'm sure you're all wondering why an enema would be required. When they are working "down there" they want you clean of "debris" so that in case they nick something there will be no contamination. That fact alone makes you stick strictly to your clear liquid diet let me tell you. And have you ever tried giving yourself an enema? I hadn't even ever bought an enema at the drug store! There was no way in hell I was going to have my mother help me as I'm an adult's been a long time since she looked at my behind, especially that personally. And there was no way I was going to ask Dena to give it to me. I mean we are married but let's face it, the romance really goes out of a relationship when you venture into this territory! I don't want any bodily function cleanup coming until we're well into our 80's or 90's.
So, with that said, I studied the instructions and pictures on the box and laid some towels on the floor of the bathroom and twisted and contorted myself to try to make it happen. Finally, I did get it in but I had forgotten to take the cardboard stopper off the bottle so nothing came out, so I had to uncork it and try again. By the end of all this frustrating ridiculousness I was exhausted. I decided that I'd just risk it.....and hopefully the laxative would do the job.
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Post Bone Biopsy
Monday morning around 7am the doctor called and left a VM stating that all was clear and I was on for the October 19th surgery. You can imagine the gambit of questions and emotions that flooded my mind in those brief nanoseconds. First was Thank God!, the second was "well what the hell is it then?", followed by, "what do you mean we're on now? Does that mean if it was bone cancer you wouldn't have done the surgery?" I never did get to speak to the doctor about the actual results until a couple weeks later at my last pre-op check in. He said, "Oh, it was nothing, probably a thickening of the bone. We both saw it there and the radiologist is the best but we had to check it out." I was a little miffed by his sort of cavalier attitude since it was hell for us but I suppose this is routine for them.
Did I tell you what his secretary told me on two different occasions when I was looking for results on the bone biopsy? She said, You need to not think about it, just drink more.... That was a prescription I could take, so I did.
Friday, November 04, 2011
2 Week Update
I am pleased to report that I am walking fully upright most times. This is important as when you have this large of an incision (mine is ~ 9") and you are in pain you have a tendency to walk a little hunched over. I am afraid this will shorten my abdominal muscles in the healing process so I try to be very cognizant of walking perfectly straight. I made it six blocks yesterday in my walk. I'm very proud of myself. I was able to do a pretty good speed as well. I've been walking everyday making a full block circle (3 actual blocks) after about 7 - 8 days. Of course, those were very slow walks but now I'm walking more normal speed.
I need to go to the drug store and find something to take off the sticky residual glue from all these bandages that were on my stomach. No matter how much I scrub it does not come off. I need some sort of goo off for skin.
So all in all, I'm doing fairly well. I feel I'm healing a little faster than most and I am grateful there are no issues with my incision. I'm also thrilled my urinary tract infection (antibiotic resistant) that I got in the hospital is pretty much gone. I still get tired very quickly and cannot really bend over to pick things up but all this will come. I will be glad when I can stop taking all these drugs. I'm on a stool softener (let me tell you how important that one is!), a very strong antibiotic for the urinary thing, and a Hepren like shot that I have to give myself every day to make sure I don't get blood clots. I hate that shot. It burns like a son of a bitch after I inject it.
Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
The Bone Biopsy
The day of the "surgery" and I call it that now as I now know it is surgery, we arrived at Cedar's South Tower at 6:30am. We were checked in and led through the gambit of pit stops until we reached pre-op. There it became quite real. My clothes were taken and put in one of those bags with your name on it. That freaked me out for some reason. It's like you see on shows where someone is dead and they put their clothes in that bag to give to loved ones. After being wheeled into the CT Scan area I met my two anesthesiologists, my surgical nurse and a host of others. This was surgery and don't bother counting backwards from 100 as you're already out.
I woke up and my ass was sore. It appears that while I was sleeping they flipped me over and went in via my butt. The doctor informed me they drilled three core samples across the 4 inch area for testing. Thoughts were racing through my Propofol (marketed as Diprivan) filled mind - drilled? 4 inches? What??
Now we wait.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Uterine Cancer - The Work Up
After meeting with Dr. Leuchter and his team it was re-affirmed that a laparascopic hysterectomy would be done and the date would be tentatively set at October 19th, barring any issues with the pre-operative workups. The first of those workups was a CT Scan but with contrast. I didn't go with Dena to this appointment, I didn't think I needed the support. I'm Dawn, I need no one. To drink the lovely liquid I had to sit in the chemotherapy area with the big easy chairs and fish tanks. I thought I was going to break down right there. This could be me in a couple months.
Despite the awful tasting drink before the scan, the scan was fairly easy except the emotional part of waiting. The waiting for the results now begins. We wait and see if there is cancer elsewhere in my torso - aka that the uterine cancer has spread. The scan was from my shoulders to my thighs - quite thorough.
Seven days later - the results are in - all good except an abnormality in the iliac crest, I'd have to have a CT Scan guided bone biopsy. I found this news out while in Anaheim. Trying to hold it in I drove home to tell Dena. I didn't want to tell her that I could have bone cancer over the phone.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
I've Decided to Blog About It
Monday, October 10, 2011
Dog on the Run
Saturday, September 24, 2011
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished
Just over a month ago she lost her 14 month old cat due to illness/old age or something like that. Last Sunday I took her to a kitty adoption event and this gorgeous tiger stripes little kitten picked her. They say the animal picks you, not visa versa. She fell in love with the kitty and an hour and $ 50 later they were family. The organization that we adopted from is called the Kitty Bungalow and they called her Val, a snowshoed tabby. We/I was promised that even though Val was too young to be spayed, she would be taken back in a couple weeks to have the procedure done, no cost.
Since then it's been all down hill. The kitten has a cold and is violently sneezing with green stuff coming out of her eyes. The Kitty Bungalow first admitted she had a cold prior to adoption and said they would drop off her meds but now are stating she never had a cold and there are no refunds/no returns.
My mentee is not in a financial position to take the kitten to the vet and apparently I'm just a big soft marshmallow and told her to take her today and I'd meet her there. I mean, seriously, what I am supposed to do? Let the kitten go back to a trailer full of other kittens and maybe not get better? If they had medication and didn't drop it off, what kind of people are they?
So, just remember - No good deed goes unpunished.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
- Craigs list price from ad - $ 75
- Crate, 2 beds, food, flea stuff, toys, bowls, etc - $ 300
- Grooming @ the doggie Spa - $ 55
- Prescriptions for allergies, scratch testing - $ 0 - but very painful
- First vet visit for full check up and de-worming - $300
- Coming home to a dog completely excited to see me - Priceless
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Pecking Order
How Dawn sees things:
- Dawn & Dena
- Dog & Bird
- Dena
- Dawn
- Dog
- the bird - but only because I have to feed it
- Dawn is the love of my life
- Who is this damn four legged thing?
- And last - the bitch that feeds me.
- Dena is a god
- Dawn is almost a god but takes me for lots of walkies
- What is this damn green thing that makes too much noise?
Friday, September 09, 2011
Another Day, Another Break In
Fortunately, I had learned my lesson from the February break in and no longer keep anything of any real value in there. I do however have building access cards, building keys, a stack of frequent shopper cards, about 30 actually, but nothing too exciting. I called the police and Officer Rivera informed me that they had the suspect in custody and could I come down at 11am and meet with the detectives.
Wow, a suspect in custody? Amazing.....Officer Rivera proceeded to tell me that he had caught three BEMV (Breaking, Entering Moving vehicle) last week himself. He says they are not too bright.....that's obvious. The last guy he got was syphoning gas from a vehicle because he ran out of gas 2 blocks from his last break in.
After filing the police report and learning that detectives don't work on holidays we went home. A little while later an Officer Armstrong (yes, strange but true, same last name, no relation) called and stated that he had my property and could I describe it. After describing the stolen items he stated that him and his partner would have to go back down to the central jail and get the rest of the items. Slow day? What service this was. Around 3 that afternoon Office Armstrong and his partner showed up at the house with all my stuff.
Simply amazing. And what service. Damn shame this didn't happen in February but I am grateful nonetheless to the LAPD for their service.
Friday, August 19, 2011
More on Goal Setting
It is also important to state our goals in the positive rather than negative when we write them down. As I stated in the previous blog - our subconscious chews on our written goals and it always like to do as it is asked so if you write a goal in the negative you will probably get negative results. Examples of negative goals - stop eating foods containing sugar. I will lose weight. Try to quit smoking. I will not eat chocolate this week. The words "stop", "lose", "not" and "quit" are all negative words. These must be changed into positive words - e.g. I will be a size 10 by October. This goal is positive and sets a target date.
The goal - "try to quit smoking" has many issues with it. First it is negative, it is also too vague and lastly, it lacks commitment - try is not a committed word. I will have healthy lungs would be a better statement. Remember to break the major goal down into achievable steps.
Not only do goals move you forward and motivate you but they build self confidence. As you achieve each step your self confidence climbs making the next step that much easier.
"A goal properly set is halfway reached." - Abraham Lincoln
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Doers versus Dreamers
I try to practice the age old goal mantra of S - M - A - R - T
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely
I have a to do list - I have a bunch of them actually. One at home, one at work, even one in the garage. I LOVE crossing things off my lists. But - what's on the list? Are any of the items on the list moving your goals forward or are they just fillers? Yes, of course, it's important to pay that bill, make that doctor's appointment, get that report out, etc., but you must also add to your list(s) items that move your goals forward. Each day you should make a step forward - it can be a baby step, but a step nonetheless.
All your goals should have a due date - the M in SMART. After all - a goal without a due date is just a dream. I'm not about dreams - I'm about results and the only way to get results is to set goals and break them down into steps. Some steps may require multiple baby steps to complete, but that's the purpose of writing them down. When you write a goal down not only do you make it real but you activate an area of your subconscious that will now "chew" on that goal and break it down. You need to help your subconscious by acting on those steps and again, writing those steps down.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I hope this blog reminds you that giving back to your community is important and rewarding. Rewarding in many facets as not only is it cool to see the progress in my mentee but I have met many, many successful women in quite the range of fields. I feel my personal network is stronger for it.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
I've Fallen For A Mutt....
Here are two pictures - one is the day after we got him. You can see he's shaggy and looks quite big. The second is today's picture after a doggie spa day of pampering and grooming. I'm not sure who this dog is we brought home from Eco Wash on Pico but apparently he is ours. Meet Geppetto.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
I Want.....
- 40" LCD for the back house so I don't get bored while on the elliptical
- DVD player for above
- 50" LCD for the guest room so I can set up a game room
- Sonos music system - allowing wireless music of different genre's/playlists in different rooms
- Cricut Impressions machine with a gypsy for scrapbooking
- Another pair of New Balance 965's - Made in the USA and the best runner ever
- Microsoft's Kinect gaming system
- An Ipad 2 because, well, it's an Ipad and it's the latest....but in all truth, I would probably just wait until September for the new iPad HD.
- Hawaiian vacation....
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Changed my Mind
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Freedom of Information Act

So how was I to determine the ins and outs to/from the US? After contacting United Airlines whom I was a high status frequent flyer for many years and fruitlessly asking for my statistics an epiphany hit me - The Freedom of Information Act would save me! Herein called the FOIA. I wrote away and filed a request - 2 months later I received a note back that it was filed incorrectly. Now since the form was simple and my request straightforward I couldn't figure out how I screwed it up. I called them. That was a waste of time. You get a different group that basically tells you that your only contact with the FOIA people is by mail or email. Naturally I had emailed them first. After about a week of frustration I received an email from someone stating that they had re-submitted my request and here was the new tracking number. Two months later I received an envelope in the mail. I was so excited - finally! The envelope contained one completely illegible copy of my passport (I think). Useless. This all was somewhere around October 2010.
Saturday, July 02, 2011
How Does Your Garden Grow - Part 2
Friday, July 01, 2011
How Does Your Garden Grow - Part 1
Monday, June 06, 2011
Century Plant - Update
Saturday, June 04, 2011
The Anatomy of Post Tech Bubble Stock Options
Friday, June 03, 2011
Ear Stretching

What is with those ridiculous looking ear plug things that make the lobes of your ears get bigger? The technique is called "stretching" or "gauging". I think it's ridiculous in the modern Western world. How in the world is this guy going to get a job?
Ear stretching has been practiced by people all over the world from ancient times. Bone , Horn , Wood and Stone were generally carved for ear stretching, but other organic materials that had the right shape naturally, from shells to teeth and claws, were also used.
Mummified bodies with stretched earlobes have been discovered, including the oldest mummified body discovered to date, that of

In case you were curious as to how it's done = Stretching is usually done in small increments to minimize the potential for damaging the healed fistula or creating scar tissue. Normally you start with your typical 20 AWG piercing and go up (which is gauge or AWG sizes is actually reverse), so 18AWG is the next size up. If you stretch like this apparently you can go back when you realize how stupid you look and you can't get a job. The elasticity of your skin will allow it to spring back, not in a day though. It is also said that the 0 AWG (0.4 inches) is the point of no return. So if you get your hole big enough for a 0 gauge ring then you're stuck with that forever. Nice.
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Our Birdie.....Picasso
Monday, May 30, 2011
Century Plant Update
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Century Plant Update
So much for my promise of photographing it every day.....but I suppose this is a little more dramatic. We went out last night and we both swore when we came home a few hours later that it had grown 6" since. In the wee hours it also rained so G-D only knows what it's going to do now. As you can see it is quite a bit taller in the 7 days since the last shot. I tried to take the picture from the exact same spot.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
The Century Plant is at it Again!
Our black tipped agave is at it again. Another one of the plants is flowering. This is quite an amazing process as it grows by leaps every day. I usually measure it in feet, not inches. So I'm going to catalog this one as well and take a picture of it every day or two from the exact same spot and see how big it gets. I think I tried this last time but had to move back after it got too high. We shall see.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Ballona Wetlands and Earth Day 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011
A few Grand Canyon Pictures
The elk were so close I had to use a wide angle lens and they just walked down the path like we weren't there, so we moved or else. These are all mom's pictures. Yes, we are literally sitting on the edge. It took a lot to get mom out there. It was a big rock...lots of room. Click each picture to make them bigger.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Road Trip Day 3 - Eastern side of the park
As we made our way the 25 miles back to the village center we stopped along the way visiting an Indian museum, some ruins, and numerous viewpoints. You certainly would never get tired of looking at the Grand Canyon in my opinion whatever the view.
We hurried up, ate lunch and ran off to our 2:00 pm ranger nature hike. We walked with the ranger for about 3/4 of a mile and then went off for another mile or two with the canyon in view all the time. What a way to hike.
Dinner? Off to the El Tovar lodge for a swanky meal. Mom and were fortunate enough by luck I suppose to get a table overlooking the rim. WOW!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Road Trip Day 2 - continued
Back on the shuttle and on to Hopi point. Mom and I supped on a rock 2' from the rim with the expanse of the canyon and the cathedrals of the mountains as a view. After supper we staked out our camera spots and waited for an hour and a half. Those of you that know me know that I am not a patient person but with scenery like this the time flew.
We were not disappointed, ten minutes before sunset the colors changed all through the canyon to pinks, oranges and shadows. It was awesome and frankly words cannot describe it. Shortly it became too dark to shoot the canyon without a tripod so we turned to the actual sunset. With the poofy clouds in front of the sun and the rays shining through it was magnificent.
Sunset over we took our frozen bodies (it was sooooo cold!) and headed into the village for a ranger talk on ravens. There are a lot of ravens here and the ranger told stories of how intelligent they are and how well they adapt, unlike the condor which is having trouble adapting and will probably always need protection.
Another incredible day!
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Monday, April 11, 2011
Road Trip - Day 2 - THE Grand Canyon
We are currently in the Yavapai cafeteria waiting for our room to be ready. 20 minutes. We have an ambitious evening planned with grabbing a to go sandwich and taking a shuttle then hiking to the furthest vista point for the sunset. We're both a little tired already of the hoards of asian tourists, so a little solitude would be welcome.
Someone told me last week that one day in the park is plenty. I cannot fathom that. There is so much to do and so many things to see. I suppose if you are of the mind that if you've seen one canyon you've seen it all....I am not. More later.
Location:South rim
Day 1 on our road trip
As we turned each corner huge mesas and large snow covered mountains greeted us. Finally that final turn and mom and I both gasped. There it was - words cannot describe the vastness of the expanse of canyons before us. We were still too far away to see the edge and bottom but our excitement was palpable.
After the formalities we boarded our bus for the skywalk. There are no rails or ropes at the edge so you can get as close as you dare. Mom kept freaking out that I was too close. We took lots of pictures and oohed and awed at the vastness and the 4000' sheer drop. I could sit on the edge and gaze forever.
Our time came for the skywalk - we donned our protective booties and ventured out onto the glass. We loved it. We just couldn't look down and walk at the same time, it made both of us queezy but we could stand still and look down. At one point we walked from the end back out as the cliff dropped away and you feel a whoosh as your subconscious freaks out that you are falling. What a great time.
Then it was off to Eagle point for a little hike, some rock climbing and more pictures. What a day!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Western Arizona
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Day 8
I gulp you in, your bubbles almost burning my mouth. Ahhhh, sweet heaven.
I quit caffeinated soda pop on Monday March 7th - today is day 8
Friday, March 11, 2011
Pacioretty and Chara - March 8th, 2011 Hit
Saturday, March 05, 2011
10 Reasons for Not Being in Information Technology
1: Stress
It is very stressful job. No one calls you to tell you everything is wonderful, they only call you when something doesn't work and usually it's an emergency (perceived or real). The farther up the food chain in IT you go the more critical and huge the emergency is. Also adding to the stress is solving your friends/relatives/neighbors computer issues. If you recommend, fix, or even touch any of their computer/audio/video items then you are forever 100% responsible for them.
2: Hours
If you want a Monday through Friday, 9-to-5 job, look elsewhere — IT is a job you carry around with you 24/7. Again, the farther up the food chain you go the more this becomes a reality. One doesn't do major upgrades during the day, forget that, they are only done at night when no one else needs the network. And the people who aren’t your clients or users (friends and family, for example) will want to take advantage of your knowledge and keep their computers running smoothly for free, when you get home at night. Also, you must keep abreast of all the latest technology so you can keep your job and your friends happy - read and study at night, in your spare time.
3: Getting paid
If you are an independent contractor, one of the most stressful issues you face is getting paid. I can’t tell you how many consultants I know who have had to make threats or use an attorney to get paid. And when you’re freelancing, if they don’t pay you, you don’t eat. If you're not independant you always feel you're underpaid because of item 2.
4: People
(in general)This one I hate to mention. That is not to say that people, in general, are bad. It’s just that when you have your IT hat on, people seem to look at you in a different light. You are both savior and sinner in one stressed-out package.
5: The chain of command
Let’s face it. Not many higher-ups understand your job. They think you should be able to get everything done on a shoestring budget, with no help, and you should treat end users as if they were better humans than yourself. And to make matters worse, the higher-ups want you to magically make those PCs last for more than a decade. This misunderstanding of both duty and technology does one thing: It makes your job impossible. Not all companies are created equal of course, my current one actually is not like this at all. The one before that was the epitome of it.
6: Technology
Have you ever had those days when it seems like the the technology GODs hate you? I have those days more often than not. There are the occasional days when you are the winner but especially in the Windows and Microsoft world the losers far outweigh the the winning days. There are days when even an entire bottle of wine cannot erase the pain of having a piece of silicon, sodder and plastic beat you.
7: Competition
One thing you can count on — there will always be someone better than you, especially in the IT industry and especially if you are one of the few women. The longer you remain in IT the more it becomes apparent that it's a young person's game. Being mentally and physically agile to work long hours, keep sharp, take classes on weekends, read technical manuals, keep abreast of everything new, renew your certifications is exhausting. Not that us older people can't hang as frankly, experience accounts for a lot, but we tend to have a different take on life, like family, downtime, relaxing..... You know, having a life. Another thing is the constant oneupmanship. IT people, especially men, just need to be right. After awhile I just get tired of putting them in their place and showing them they aren't - I am..... Yes - competition, it is as fierce in IT as it is in basketball and the egos are about as big.
8: The cloud
Every time I get an email about some cloud seminar or read an article about how putting software, hardware, data and everything else into the cloud is the way to go and the demise of the American IT worker I just want to scream. Part of me is wondering what I'm missing and what I don't know, part of me is wondering if I should be in the cloud and if the cloud is safe and the other part of me is laughing as it's all in the bloody cloud already. I'd like to pound the marketing idiot who dreamed up the catch phrase "the cloud". From techrepublic, "Clients and end users want the cloud to be some magical experience that will make all their work easier, better, and faster. If only they knew the truth."
9: Lack of standards
There are none, let's face it. We have the IETF, the IEEE, the RFC's, the OSI model, the ISO standards and on and on it goes. But still - their are mountains of proprietary hardware/software vendors that want to keep their product closed up and non-compliant, otherwise, how would they differentiate themselves and make money? This means that I need to know way too much information.....and run in to compatibility issues at every turn.
10: Respect
The general public has a bad taste in its mouth for IT professionals. Why? Many reasons, consumers have been burned by the Geek Squad, home users cannot figure out why they have to pay for Microsoft Office every couple years, call centers in India, you name it, IT companies who don't deliver on promises or companies that think they were promised one thing and got something different.... Oh sure, when you walk in the door you are their best friend but the moment their issues is resolved and they get the bill they wonder why it costs so much. Jeesh, I don't know - it if was easy then why didn't you do it? And why is it my fault that you should buy a new computer every couple years? And why is it my fault that your five year old computer is running slow?
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Farmville on the Bleeding Edge?

Solar Update

Friday, February 25, 2011
Anatomy of Today's Job Market
How did she get this new job? Dena applied for jobs every day. She would sit on the computer and search, sometimes even applying for jobs that pop up Friday nights and Saturday mornings. Not sure who posts jobs then but ? At one point she even applied for a Starbucks store manager. She was over qualified and probably too old, but of course, they cannot say that.
Finally in January of 2011 something happened. Not sure if the economy is really starting to turn the corner or if all the planets started to align but really good, interesting jobs in her field started to pop up on a daily basis. She applied and actually got calls back. In the previous 17 months she had a total of 3 interviews. In the first two weeks of January she had had ten. At the beginning of February she was past the first interview stage of three good looking jobs. For those of you who haven't had to hunt lately, the first stage is a phone interview. I suppose you could say the first stage is actually getting an email or phone call acknowledging that you exist, but I digress.
She then proceeded over the next three weeks to move through interviews two, three and four. These were all face to face. Only the final contestant went to interview four. The first two ended at interview three and haven't been heard from since. Both of those interviews had great vibes and no reason not to get an offer or some kind of courtesy call. I think it's unprofessional but it's not uncommon.
On January 22nd she started with contestant number three. We couldn't be happier.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Beauty of Living in Los Angeles
more knocking, more pounding on our front door.
We run to the front door, Dena is looking out the curtain screaming, what is it? What is it?
She thought our house was on fire, again.
Our neighbor Joe is standing outside saying that someone has broken into my truck. He's spotted the guy and spews out a license plate number. I dash into the kitchen for a piece of paper while Joe continues to spew the license plate #
5:10 am - call 911, give dispatcher plate #
5:11 am - dispatcher calls back, that plate # is a neighbor
5:12 am - another moment of panic.....
5:20 am - one cop car arrives As I proceed to be interviewed, a report taken, Joe is interviewed, another report taken
5:35 am - 3 more cop cars arrive
5:45 am - 6 cops walk across the street and bang on another neighbors door. The owner of the reported plate. Sleepy, frightened neighbor walks out of house to 4 cop cars with flashing lights.
Here's the full story - Joe hears breaking glass. Peers out his window and sees a 6' black guy grabbing stuff out of my truck and then using a flashlight to look into other vehicles on the street. Joe comes out of house and yells. Guy drives away in silver Honda Accord with the lights off.
Why did the cops bang on the other neighbor's door? It turns out that the bad guy switched plates from his stolen Honda to this neighbors Honda.He actually had the time to take the plates off the stolen car, unscrew the neighbors plates, screw on the stolen plates and then rob me.
Then the pounding started....and you're up to date. The guy got my tool bag, about $2,000 worth of tools.
6:30 am - Another neighbor comes out of her house to drive her kid to school and is met by a cop car in her driveway.
6:35 am - finally the cops drive away, after I've given my solar panel spiel, lent them a screwdriver and got my report #.
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Duct Tape Man

Saturday, February 05, 2011
Thursday, February 03, 2011

Remember to click on any picture to enlarge it.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Wasted Conversation
Wife: Where do you work?
Me: I work for a construction company
wife: How's business?
Me: Not very good in the private sector as you can imagine, but the federal government and schools have lots of money
Wife: schools?
Me: yes, there is a big push to upgrade, renovate and rebuild aging schools @ LAUSD and colleges
Wife: Oh the poor children they always get short changed, the money should be spent teaching them.
Me: Why do you say that? They are replacing these portable classrooms that have been there from the 1940's and 50's, they need asbestos remediation and are actually sinking into the ground.
Wife: oh yes, I was a teacher and taught for years in a portable.
Husband: I almost bought her a portable air conditioner for her classroom.
Wife: It was so hot in there for months on end, in the low 100's. The kids were just limp. I'd take them outside under a tree to teach.
Me: I would imagine that it would be difficult to learn if you were just trying to stop yourself from passing out from heat.
At this point we were thankfully interrupted. A good thing as since we just went in a big circle I would have had to whack her on the side of the head. Did I convince her that her initial opinion was wrong or was I just wasting my breath?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Southwest Airlines
Fast forward to the last 5 years or so and my eyes have been opened. I now prefer Southwest on short hops. I'm not sure I would fly them across country as they often stop once or twice but I now always look. I love it when they sing or joke when we land and the flight attendants always make things a little better. I can handle the cattle call seating as now you get a number, line up in numerical order and there is no front stage like rush through the gate. You can have 10 bags of peanuts if you want and the flight attendants aren't surly like several other airlines that will remain nameless.
I suppose this last Southwest event has just solidified their corporate philosophy and how it works. I'm sure you've all heard of this as it's now a viral blog. The story is where a man was trying to get from one place to another to see his grandson before he was pulled off of life support. He was delayed by baggage, the TSA and every other manner of airport stresses that we all incur every time. Somehow, Southwest became aware of his plight, whether it was from the sobbing phone agent he booked through or from his previous flight or some other means, his connecting flight was held at the gate by the pilot and probably the gate agent as well for 12 minutes while he ran the gauntlet of airport security. I can tell you right now, no other airline in the US would have the forethought, balls and communication it must have required between their staff for that kind of information to move from one plane, to somewhere else to ticket agent to gate to pilot to affect this miracle.
The full story is here
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Dentist.....

Thursday, January 06, 2011
2011 Begins
The first week of 2011 has brought me around to a different way of thinking. I feel like there is so much I want to do in my life and that I have the strength to do it. I've started researching college courses on some new technologies that I want/need to learn and I've also signed up to be a LifeWorks mentor at the Gay/Lesbian center. It is time to start living my life the way I want to live it. So get out of my way because here I come!
Repeat after me:
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman! oh, wait, that's a song...