Wednesday, August 17, 2011


This summer I signed up for a mentoring program called WoMentoring. This program is sponsored and run by JVS Los Angeles. The goal is to match women to help women who are transitioning in their lives from one career to the next. A very poignant goal in this economy where many jobs and industries have disappeared and many middle aged workers are faced with long term unemployment and the scary thought of leaving behind one career and starting over again.

The program is funded by the WoMentoring Leadership Network (WLN), a group of inspiring women focused on helping other women through their philanthropy.  Not only do they provide the means necessary to fund the program but they also sponsor several events throughout the year that feature powerful motivational speakers.  Our last speaker was Victoria Halsey who re-energized me into reexamining and re-stating my goals.  Every once in a while we lose focus and stray from our intended path.  It's never a bad idea to get a kick in the ass to straighten you out.

Your first steps in joining the program remind a long term employed person such as myself the importance of keeping an up to date resume.  It was an excellent exercise for me to update it as it made me reflect on past successes and skill set holes that I feel need filling.  Once you've passed your background check the program matches mentors with mentees in the same job field.  This summer I'm mentoring a woman who has been out of the work force for over five years and it is rewarding to see the progress she is making towards re-igniting her career.

I hope this blog reminds you that giving back to your community is important and rewarding.  Rewarding in many facets as not only is it cool to see the progress in my mentee but I have met many, many successful women in quite the range of fields.  I feel my personal network is stronger for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are truly a mensch. Thank you for posting this.