Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 2 -- Kauai

Sunday we awoke through the night to torrential downpours beating out their song on the tin roof of our Ranch accommodations. I’ll blog about our dwellings later. We ventured off to the south today, having breakfast at Gaylords. Something we’ve always wanted to do as it was a much touted uppidity thing to do -- Sunday Brunch at Gaylords Plantation. Well it appears that marketing is everything. The brunch was mediocre at best, except the purple sweet potato pork hash was phenonmenal. The setting however, was wonderful. Alas, one cannot have everything can they? Of course I can, and I will!

After brunch it was off to Glass Beach near Port Allen. It appears that the book Ultimate Kauai has spoiled most spots on the island. Too many people know about them now. We dug for sea glass and looked out upon the vastness of the sea and wondered.

To make amends with Karma and the Hawaiian gods we went back up to the graveyard where I had foolishly taken a shell in January 2005. I had taken this old large shell from a gravesite back then and put it in my pocket, happy with my newfound treasure. How vengeful the gods can be. What a horrible ride back to Hanalei it was with me smelling unbelievably bad of some old, dead sea creature that apparently hadn’t vacated the shell. With Dena gazing out upon the sea I went to the gravestone I had desecrated 2 years before and placed another shell I had found back where the first was. I asked forgiveness of the gods and Karma and hoped all would be right with the world now.

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