Thursday, April 01, 2010

April Fools - Paybacks are a Bitch

I've been a busy little Canadian beaver this morning, playing small, geeky tricks on my collegues. The office has been so dry, I wanted to inject a little levity into it. One of things I was doing was flipping the screen on their computers upside down (in software) so that the task bar was on top. Then they'd call me and I'd laugh at them, ask them what they did to the computer, tell them to reboot (which of course they couldn't do because the mouse would go backwards) and generally make fun of them. Then I'd go over and fix it with 2 keystrokes. And no, I won't tell you what they are....

Then I went out, I admit, to get some items I need for another practical joke I'm going to play later when one of our VPs goes to lunch and this is what I was greeted by...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amatures! I do like the holiday paper though, Nice touch!