I was wondering how I could solve all these problems once and for all. My solution was to add a smart switch to our Wink system. Currently we had two GE wink bulbs that I purchased in a kit that included a hub. These smartly do what I easily programmed them to do and that's to go on at dusk (whenever that is) and go off around 6 hours later.
The smart switch I decided on was the Leviton Decora Z-wave compatible one. I ordered it from Amazon and installed it when it arrived. The issue was when I tried to add it to my existing Wink system. What I didn't realize is that the GE kit I purchased just had a little GE controller in it for the lightbulbs and not a real Wink hub. Off to Home Depot I went and purchased the real Wink Hub. It is extremely large for what it does in my opinion.
Set up was a piece of cake and quickly I had the light switch categorized with my other two GE bulbs (one for the living room lamp and one for the outside side light). I really just followed the on screen instructions in the Wink app on my iPhone. On the iPhone 6s now in order to edit a light or group you press and hold.
So we have an even smarter home now! Two lightbulbs, a light switch and a Nest thermostat.